Pokémon Version Eclat Pourpre
Pokémon Version Eclat Pourpre

Pokémon Version Eclat Pourpre

9/10 - 683 votes
Played 161 734 times

Kids Games Retro

The region is facing an unprecedented wave of crimes perpetrated by a gang of thugs calling themselves Team Rocket. Kidnappings of Pokémon are becoming more and more prevalent and the security forces are overwhelmed. Therefore, each competent trainer was given a Pokemon in order to defend himself and help police fight effectively against this criminal organization...

Long-term project (3 years of development) led from start to finish by Myst and Mickey, two talented young French people, Pokémon Version Eclat Pourpre is a high quality rom hack, based on FireRed, entirely in French and finalized. The game features an original story, new graphics, 20 new musics as well as rich and vibrant maps (animated tiles, reflections in water, ...). Here's the online version (v1.3.1 - December 2015) of this little gem, unfortunately only available in French at the moment.

Game Controls:
Enter: Start
Bkspace: Select
Arrows: Move
Z: Button A
X: Button B
Shift: Button L
Ctrl: Button R

See also: Other Pokemon games

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